We are passionate for Jesus Christ and his Word, full of the presence of God, we are people who always have something good to tell, we are people of good relationships, we are people who see what God sees, we are people of faith, prayer and action, we are People who develop their full potential with Christ, we always see the good side of things, we are prosperous and generous people, we are honest people, who rejoice when others are blessed, we are people who will form a better generation than ours. We are TIERRA DESEABLE.

We believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we are sure that the Bible is the Word of God, we believe that Jesus Christ became man without ceasing to be God, lived, died and rose again so that you and I were free from condemnation and death.
Our Beliefs

Óscar and Claudia
Óscar Calderón, Senior Pastor of the Desirable Land Church, President of the Board of the Biblical League of Colombia; Born in Bogotá, Colombia. With a family dedicated to the house of God and his work.

Our Story
Desirable Earth is born from the heart of God on February 28, 1998, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Meet Our Team

Nohora Chaparro
Women Leader

Orlando y Sandra Monroy
Associate Pastors
and Couples Leaders

Jorge Rozo
Evangelization Leader

Liliana Gallardo
Social Assistance and Visitation
Golden Age Leader

Gabriel y Luz Dary Vicioso
Social Assistance and Visitation
Leaders Visitation

Nohora Sierra
Social Assistance and Visitation
Leader Social Assistance

Rafael y Yuri Fernández
Leader of the Logistics Department

Morix y Martha Fuentes
Directors of the Biblical Institute